I was chatting with an Italian friend today on Whatsapp. He sent me a funny picture, and, while I understood the joke, I - as I usually do being an academic - ask a lot of questions that probably do not need to be asked and gives the impression that I am indecisive and anxious! He said I am frequently amletico.
So, today’s Parola del giorno is the adjective amlètico, which means Hamlet-like. In other words, this person you are describing is like the character Hamlet from Shakespeare’s play Hamlet.
More specifically, it describes a person who might think too much about something, is very indecisive, and overanalyzes things to the point that it provokes doubt and anxiety.
See the adjective used below:
Quando discutiamo con Mauro, non capisco mai il suo punto di vista, è sempre così amletico nelle sue riflessioni sui fatti di cui parliamo, come se fosse sempre divisa tra mille opzioni e non riuscisse mai a prendere una posizione chiara.
When we argue with Mauro, I never understand his point of view; he’s always so Hamlet-like in his reflections on the topics we talk about as if he is torn between a thousand options and can never take a clear stance.